Saturday, March 5, 2011


The word CHOICE may just compose of a 6 letter word but the importance of it is countless.
Every results of the things we’ve done in our lives, it may be success or failure, lies on our CHOICE.
It is not TIME that keeps the world go changing nor DESTINY. But it’s CHOICE.
People who lived in a peaceful life are those who chose to walked in a right path.While, people who ived in a horrible life are those who chose to walked in a wrong path.
People who were happy with there special someone are those who chose the right person to love.While, people who were sad with there special someone are those who chose the wrong person to love.
People who were strong are those who chose to fight in whatever circumstances may come.While people who were weak are those who chose to be coward.
People who seeks changes are those who chose to have improvement.While people who seeks no changes are those who chose to remain as is.
People who loved challenges are those who chose to grow.While people who hated challenges are those who chose to be dead physically or mentally.
And all of these things mentioned is just in a matter of CHOICE!
So, before you do anything else…..

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