Thursday, December 15, 2011

1st Day of MISA DE GALLO this YEAR 2011

I woke up around 2:00 AM in the morning since it’s First Day of Misa De Galeo, expecting that there would be more people to attend the mass. I, my husband to be and my mother went to the church and arrived around 2:30 AM. I was shocked when I saw there are still many vacant seats.
Last year, during 3:00 AM, you can no longer see vacant seats and all you can find are people carrying their own chairs and laid them on the aisle. But now, it took around 3:30 AM before the crowd of people started. But different from last year, yeah there are still many people attended the mass this dawn but not as many as last year.

I wonder why. I heard from the other people that if you completed the mass then you can make a wish and it will come true. I realized how many percent (%) of the people who attended the mass this morning thinking that way. Does that mean also that the reduce of number of people attending the mass this year compared to last year, is due maybe their wish already come true and they no longer have wishes now so no need to attend the mass?
Hope that we will not just attend mass because we are ill, we have financial problems, family problems, or we need to land a job but simply TO SAY THANKS TO EMMANUEL FOR THE LIFE HE GAVE TO US.

Why wish for more when HE IS MORE THAN WHAT WE HAVE NOW.        

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