Is it the government? Is it the people who are in the position? Or US! FILIPINOS!
When we have nothing to feed for our dozens of children, we blame it to our government; Is it the government who told us to have a dozens of sons and daughters?
We keep on BLAMING and COMPLAINING our situation to anyone yet we never look back and see ourselves on what we have done or we have done NOTHING AT ALL.
Some point they are right. A good government will help our country to stop poverty but everything must start within US!
It is our ATTITUDE which makes our country to be in a state of poverty. When your neighbor is selling a goods and it seems working so well and earned, you compete. The next day, you have your own, thinking to pull her down and as you to go up high. If everyone competes, ONLY ONE WILL SURVIVE! Which means only one will be RICH. But if we THINK to help each other IMPROVE, everyone will be on top and no one will be left behind.
A son/daughter was told by his/her parents “You must go to school to HAVE A GOOD JOB in the future”. You plant into their minds that we go to school to have a good job only? Why not to build your own business? Let our little ones feel that sooner they will become an owner instead of a worker. It is our MINDSET that we should change too.
We criticize our own hand made products, we don’t even bother watch it mesmerizing instead all comes out in our mouth are criticism. We never think of who made it, how come he/she made that kind of thing, how brilliant! Because all we think, our own products are NOT AS GOOD QUALITY than the IMPORTED ONES. How come our country improves when the people living in here won’t know how to appreciate and embrace our Philippine made products? We CRITICIZE yet we don’t give any suggestion and help on how to improve. But what most never knew is that the imported that they are craving and dying for, it is still a Filipino hand who have made it. It was produced in here for export and has U.S. brand names.
We think WE WILL NOT GROW here in Philippines. We put our country down and left if uncultured just like a landfill left abandoned. Here comes the foreign one and see the abandoned and uncultured land. Why many foreign build business in Philippines? Why most of the manufacturing firms are owned by foreigners? Because they see an OPPROTUNITY in here which we didn’t seen for our mouth is too busy COMPLAINING while our mind kept empty.
If we build a business, a small business, and in the middle of the operation it turns out to be failure, you feel so bad and never have a spirit to retry. We are AFRAID TO FAIL and we never try to do our own so we will not fail. We have this attitude of feeling afraid though we haven’t done it yet for we are afraid to fail. If we fail, we don’t accept it rather BLAMES it to anyone or everyone include in the operation excluding yourself so you won’t be criticize. We are more on what others will say rather than on how can I make this work out and what make this not to work out? We don’t accept mistake but point it out to anyone. We are good in washing our own hands and throwing the dirt unto others.
It is not our government, it is not the people in the position, they may take part of being abusive and corrupt but they are no the main issue; It is within US! Our attitude for competition and envy, mindset, criticizing our country, complaining with no done action, afraid to fail so we prefer to remain as is and never tries to step forward, and keep on blaming our mistakes and error in life.